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Zombie Highway: Driver's Ed v1.0.1 (MOD) Apk For Android Download

 Zombie Highway: Driver's Ed

Unlimited money 
Support All Android devices 

Requirement for This Game 
Android os version 4.0+
Internet Not Required 
Free up space Required 90 MB

The popular action series called Zombie Highway first saw the light, by the standards of mobile games, quite a long time ago. For quite a long time, the series was represented only by the first part, but the time came when interest in the game began to subside and competitors occupied the niche. Well, the developer company Auxbrain Inc was not at a loss and released the second part of the game, which returned the interest of the players and the audience began to crush the zombies with renewed vigor. Apparently believing in themselves, the creators of Zombie Highway released the third part called Zombie Highway: Driver's Ed.
In general, the new part in terms of gameplay is not much different from the previous ones; you still have to get behind the wheel of a car, destroy hundreds of zombies, earn money and spend it on developing your deadly truck. Visually, the game has not undergone any special changes either. But still, the developers somewhat diversified the gameplay by adding new modes and significantly adding to everything that already existed.

Download ➡️ MOD APK (37 MB)

Download ➡️ Original Apk (36 MB)

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